Tuesday, September 1, 2009


"I stand on principle where many people stand on money," Paula Abdul recently told TV Guide. "I'm a hard-working artist. I've lasted in this business for 23 years, and you can't do that unless you are good at what you do."

Abdul explained that when she decided to leave Idol, her decision was not made entirely based on salary.

"I believe in myself, and you have to have your own self-respect," Abdul told NY Daily News. "And sometimes decisions are very difficult to make, but I've always believed that at the core I'm a survivor. There's not one thing I've done that I've really set my mind to that I've failed at.

"I definitely want to do a talk show because it would be different. It would be a lot of fun variety with a ton of unexpected stuff and tributes to everyday people getting their big chance."

Abdul also revealed that she intends to watch American Idol.

"I'm very blessed to have been a part of what made television history," Adbdul continued. "I'm going to miss the experience of watching young talent evolve into a place where they get to take off and soar." Sphere: Related Content

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