Friday, August 21, 2009


Paula is criticial to American Idol's success, says former Idol finalist Bo Bice.

"If you took away Randy or you took away Paula or you took away Simon, you're changing the dynamic of what made the show great," Fox news quoted Bice who recently had the opportunity to entertain troops in Afghanistan.

"I don't think it (American Idol) could equally handle the loss on either end of which way the teeter tot goes," he added, "whether it be Simon or Paula. It's like having a hit show, take Joey out of 'Friends' ... would it still be still be just as big of a hit?"

While Abdul's manager says that Idol executives and Abdul are not in talks for her return to American Idol, he added that other offers have been flooding in. But thus far no solid deals have reported as inked. ABC wanted Paula for a celebrity dance gig on Dancing With the Stars and a guest spot on Ugly Betty, but that deal never happened.

Nigel Lythgoe, judge of So You Think You Can Dance, told extra, "We're still talking and we will continue to talk ... I would still like to see her do 'American Idol,' with guesting on 'So You Think You Can Dance' -- that would be perfect for me."

And Idol fans are frustrated that American Idol appears unwilling to do what it takes to get their "judge with a heart" back on the show. They have been saying that Idol without Paula is not really good for anyone -- the show, Abdul or Idol fans. As one fan put it, American Idol without Paula is "like a dog with three legs" -- the dog can still hobble along, but not like the dog it once was." Sphere: Related Content

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